Living Lab Changelog


  • COSMOS: Added Drag and Drop re-ordering to certain items.


  • COSMOS: Logging and fixing issues with image uploads.


  • COSMOS: Fixed issue when uploading images (wrong API URL).


  • Fixed issues with database initialisation/migrations.


  • COSMOS: Added Fathom Analytics tracking code and updated routing/URL handling to support it.


  • COSMOS: Added YouTube support to Social Media section.
  • COSMOS: Added new sections for Theory of Change, Community Reporting and Living Lab Models.


  • COSMOS: Added login button.


  • COSMOS: Updated current user detection for new/edit functionality.
  • COSMOS: Updated activity icons visibility based on presence of label value.


  • Added COSMOS feature, available at /cosmos/ URL.


  • Fixed issue with Project Import when uploading Zip files might fail.
  • Updated URL variables to remove hard-coded references to 'http' protocol; now detects dynamically.


  • Fixed Settings component on Playlists when loading from browser storage.
  • Added Project name to window title on Playlists.
  • Added Visual indicator for Layer Start State based on whether it is set or not.


  • Added functionality to navigate to a URL at the end of Playlists.
  • Updated Playlist page to save settings to browser session storage.


  • Updated keyboard/presenter control to include PageUp/PageDown keys.


  • Added support for Keyboard/presenter navigation in playlist.
  • Added Modified timestamp to Playlist listing.
  • Added Loop Playlist control.
  • Added views links to generated Playlist page.

Playlist changes

Some of these changes will only be available on newly-created playlists, or when existing ones are updated or re-saved.


  • Added support for Project folders. The folder name can be set with other Project properties once opened.
  • Added support for Resource folders. These can be managed in the Library page.


  • Added support for 'URL' object actions: opening/closing any URL in a new browser window.
  • Added support for deleting resource files in the Library.

URL actions

It is possible to create actions that open (and close) new browser windows that point to a specific web address (URL).

In the Design screen, select an object (image, text, shape) on the canvas. In the property panel, enter a URL in the "URL" field.

Note: these objects, along with the URL property set, must be included in the "Layer Start."

Available actions for these objects will include Open and Close, which controls the opening and closing of a new browser window showing the URL. These can be chosen from the "Action type" dropdown box in the Actions tab, and then dragged to the appropriate event boxes.


  • Added Project Export/Import feature.
  • Changed size of drag handles to be larger.

Project Export/Import

It is now possible to export/import projects between instances. When a project is open in the Design screen, use the Project > Export menu item. This will build a zip file which includes all project data, as well as any image or audio resources used.

Use the Project > Import menu item to import a previously exported project zip file. The project will be imported under the same name, and any resources will be added to the local filesystem.

Note: if resource files already exist with the same name, the will be overwritten with the imported ones.

Only resources with images and audio will be added to the Library. Resources in the project based on simple elements or shapes - like stars, rectangles, lines - will not be added to the library. This is due to projects using the properties of resource objects to create unique instances when they are used; rather than referencing a 'shared' object in the library.


  • Added support for audio objects and playback actions.


Audio can be played in a similar way to existing visual actions like animations and visiblity.

First, upload sound files using the Library in the same way image resources would be added. Create a new Audio resource type (using the button with the sound icon), and selecting the uploaded sound file. Save this as a resource.

In the Design screen, find audio objects in the Library tab, and click Use. They will appear on the stage as regular objects with a speaker icon. These can be hidden by setting the opacity to 0.

Note: these objects must also be included in the "Layer Start."

Available actions for sound objects are Play and Stop, which will control playback of the sound object in a similar way to visual objects that can be shown and hidden. These can be chosen from the "Action type" dropdown box in the Actions tab, and then dragged to the appropriate event boxes.

When in presentation mode from a Playlist, the playback of audio can either be done from the playlist page itself, or the individual screen that the audio object gets added to.

Note: By default, audio will play from the Playlist page. To have it play on screens, make sure the screen pages are loaded first, before toggling the playback device preference. This is useful when operating the playlist from a mobile device, for example.

When viewing a project using the Player feature (v1.14.0), the audio will be played from the page where the navigation is operated from. This is either from the Player welcome page or from the screens using the navigation widget overlay.


  • Fixed an issue loading the events/actions when opening a Project.
  • Updated logos.


  • Added collapsable left column functionality to Design screen.
  • Added "unsupported browser" notification.
  • Updated other UI aspects of the Design screen.


  • Added Layer Export/Import functionality.
  • Started adding support for Audio files to Library/Design.

Export Layers

Layers and their child objects can be exported from the Layers menu. This will produce a block of encoded text which can be copied, pasted, saved or transported, and allows the layer and its child objects to imported into another project.

In future releases, this functionality will be expanded to include associated events and actions.

Exported layers can be imported into the same project, or a different project on the same Living Lab instance.

Note: Importing the layer into another Living lab instance may result in inconsistencies or missing links to any local Library resources if used in the source project.


  • Fixed issues with auth, sessions, events when require_auth config is false.


  • Added internal event logging functionality. See events table in the SQLite database.
  • Fixed issue with removing playlists.


  • Added support for pkg.

Pkg support

The Living Lab project can now be built as a standalone runtime using pkg.

To build Living Lab, run npm run pkg-win or npm run pkg-mac from the src directory. The runtimes will be built into the respective platform directories in ../pkg/.

When installed with the Living Lab project, the sqlite3 module installs a driver for the given platform at install-time. This can't be bundled in the pkg process and must be copied manually to the pkg platform directory.

The file will be here: src\node_modules\sqlite3\lib\binding\{platform}\node_sqlite3.node

When the standalone Living Lab is ran, it will use config and data folders that are in the same level as the executable. For example:

|-- pkg
    |-- data
    |-- config
    |-- living-lab.exe
    |-- node_sqlite3.node


  • Added default global documentation for Player pages.


  • Updated "Player" project page to inherit the global style.
  • Added documentation support for Player Project page.
  • Updated logos and their configuration.

Project Player documentation

The player "project" page contains a placeholder to display documentation, controlled by the presence of specifically-named files in Markdown format.

The following file locations are checked, in order:

  • data/doc/(project-name).md
  • data/doc/

(project-name) is an example, and would be replaced by the name in the URL of the player. Do not include brackets in the document filename.

The first file found will be displayed. If none are found, no documentation will be displayed.

Logos configuration

The footer logos are sourced from the config/logos.json file. This specifies the name, image file, title and optional URL.

By default, all logos will be shown. To customise the logos that are displayed edit the config/config.json file, adding the following key:

"logos": ["nclacuk", "northumbria"]

The logos key should be a JSON array of logo names as specified in the logos.json file. In the example, only the two logos named "nclacuk" and "northumbria" would be displayed.


  • Added new 'Player' feature to view projects on their own.


  • Added ordering and created-date display to list of Playlists.
  • Added ability to delete playlists.
  • Added Headway release notes widget.


  • Added project name to generated Playlists.
  • Added a 'Next' button to the Design screen to cycle through clicking the event boxes in the actions panel.
  • Updated screen pages so they will wait until animations are complete before starting the next.


  • Fixed view screen scaling issue when window width/height is greater than project dimensions.


  • Fixed an issue when using/copying Figure objects so that the scaleSize is applied immediately.


  • Updated canvas so that its size is always displayed proportionally to the project's dimensions.
  • Updated colours on the Design screen to be less purple.


  • Fixed issue with PLaylists not playing properly (object actions)


  • Updated UI on Playlist Play page.


  • Replaced canvas interaction library Kinetic JS with Konva.


  • Fixed play screen setup so that grouped objects can also be clickable for events, like regular objects.


  • Fixed some more issues caused by deleted items.


  • Fixed issue with the Actions tab contents not being generated when layer objects are missing/deleted.


  • Fixed issue with playlist page to handle deleted/missing events/layers/views.


  • Added functionality to Present screen so that new events inherit the view layers from the selected or previous event.


  • More fixes to the issues identified and fixed in v1.6.1, particularly with saving playlists.


  • Attempt at fixing the issue where some projects wouldn't load due to a javascript error.


  • Added ability to permit only a single instance of the Design Screen to be loaded.

Single instance

The config/config.json file must be updated with the single_instance boolean property to specify whether the single instance feature should be enabled or not (see config.example.json).

When enabled, only one Design Screen page can be opened at the same time. If more than one page is opened, subsequent Design Screen pages will display an error message and the page will not work. Subsequent screens also disconnect from the websocket server to prevent it from sending and processing further messages.


  • Added scrollbar to side of Present screen for when content gets longer than the browser window height.
  • Added page titles to all pages.


  • Fixed issue with 'null' prefix when launching screen names from dashboard.


  • Added logos to footer area.


  • Added an autosave feature to the Design screen.
  • Fixed size limit of project data when saving.


The config/config.json file must be updated with the auto_save boolean property to specify whether the autosave feature should be enabled or not (see config.example.json).

When enabled, any open project in the Design screen will be automatically saved when either 1) the page is hidden (e.g. the tab is no longer active) or 2) no user activity is detected for two seconds.


  • Fixed problem when using Project > Save or Project > Save Playlist.
  • Updated port number references to better handle port 80 usage.


This version includes a number of changes to the way the project is structured as well as several new features.

  • Added package.json for dependencies and scripts.
  • Added simple authentication using Passport.
  • Updated the project folder structure to be better organised.
  • Added Express as the web server.
  • Added provisional support for separate SocketIO web server.
  • Added config file (config/config.json).
  • Updated several pages with a design refresh.
  • Added Gulp for processing frontend CSS assets.
  • Added Screen Identification feature to dashboard.
  • Branding and documentation updates.
  • Added Changelog page to show this file.


Dependencies for the project are now specified here. Run npm install --production to install them.

It is now possible to run npm start to run the main Living Lab Node server, which is a shortcut for running node server.js.


Simple username/password authentication has been added with the support of Passport.

This is optional, and can be turned on or off by setting the config property require_auth in config.json.

Users are configured in config/users.json. Copy config/users.example.json to config/users.json and adjust accordingly. User passwords will be securely hashed when the Node server is restarted.

Updated project folder structure

nodeio.js has been renamed to server.js.

data: Runtime and user-supplied data and files are now in the data folder:

|-- data
    |-- playlists
    |-- resources
    |-- livlab.sqlite

config: This folder contains the config files for the project. Example files included.

public: This folder is for static files served by Express.

Added Express as the web server

The main pages are now handled as Routes in Express, rather than being static files. Any bookmarked URLs to the pages will no longer work - the base name is the same - just remove the .html suffix.

E.g. /present.html is now located at /present.

Introduced config.json file

The config/config.json file stores several parameters for running the project.

  • db_path Path to the SQLite database file, relative to the project root (server.js)
  • http_port The TCP port number to run the main web server on.
  • socket_port The TCP port number to run the SocketIO web server on. If this is the same as http_port, then SocketIO will be attached to the Express server. This is recommended - the separation isn't fully supported on all pages yet.
  • require_auth: Specify whether to use and require authentication (config/users.json)
  • secret: If using authentication, this secret is used by Passport for sessions.

Design refresh and Gulp

The design for the homepage and playlists file has been updated with new branding.

Gulp is used to process the LESS stylesheets into minified CSS. The gulpfile.js file describes the tasks.

The built CSS files are included, but if they need to be built, ensure the devDependencies are installed, then run gulp.

Screen Identification

When each screen page is loaded, the name is displayed for about five seconds.

The Identify Screens button on the dashboard page will instruct all open screens to show this message again.